Sunday 14 October 2012

Say no to iPad's, say yes to colouring books...

I go to shopping malls, really only to pass the time. I have absolutely nothing to do there. The only reason I like going is to look at people. Call me a pervert, a voyeur or simple observant of the human nature, call me whatever the hell you want. I don't give a rats fart. See, when you look at people we tend to see the general characteristics of each person shows you their interaction, are they loners or lover's, mothers and fathers, mom and child, father and daughter or grandpa and Tom? You see the family dynamic and the family characteristic. What this all does is it gives you a wider perception of the human nature. We have been in this world for the last 200,000 years believe it or not and we seem to have come far from caves and loin cloths to skyscrapers and... well, looking at the way some people dress, still loincloths.

But one thing really get's on my nerves. It's a growing trend in the recent years that I can only blame on the new generation of parents. The generation Y or something, ask my dad, he seems to know. Anyway, the kids from these people, they don't live like the way we used to. All of them, out to dinner will be lined up in a restaurant with bloody iPad's or and iPhone or a Playstation Vita or something of the kind. They never talk, interact, play with each other the way that I used to with my cousins or my parent's when we went out to dinner. I mean, if I had had a chance to get my rather small fingers at the time on my dad's handphone to play something, he'd take it away from me and tell me to talk to others. Even now, I never use my phone at a dinner table when I'm with family. It's just bad manners. Like thats not bad enough, the parent's themselves are on the same device themselves. Family time seems to be no time at all?

The real point I'm trying to drive at is why the hell do these Godforsaken, idiotic, stupid and brainless parents buy these thing's for their kids in the first place. I notice that when a child cries in public, basically making a tantrum, he get's what he wants. No questions asked. If I tried that with my parent's they'd tell me to shut up and give me a smack. Nowadays, I don't roll on the floor asking for something. If I ask and the answer is no, the I don't get it. Kids aren't getting smarter, its parent's who are getting dumber. Look, we have had the chance to get our act together for the last 50,000 years when humans started to exhibit full behavioural modernity. Parenting had well begun before that, but literally the 'book' on parenting had started its first pages in those early days. Surely we would have made a few rules that we can live by at the very least. Like not giving into your child whenever they make a fuss.

We used to have a perception that every rich kid was a spoilt brat that only went to exclusive schools and have the best clothes and toys and books to read and play with. That perception, due to the fact that the living standards since the 60's has changed and now almost any child from any class of life is as spoilt as the other. Isn't that a happiness inducing thought.

Parent's. Get a grip. Just because you never had an iPad when you were young doesn't make it allright to make sure your child needs to have one. Let him play outside. Make him toys from twigs and teach him how to climb a bloody tree. Is there are any left. Think, before you buy a thing like that whether it really makes your child happy in the long term or just for the moment. Buy him books, instead, at least that makes the world a smarter and well read place. You will get rid of racism and social judgement. The world will be a better place, trust me.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Change is imminent... and overdue...

I look back at my school life and realise I really want to do it all again, minus the crap education system which incidetally is about as preparing as getting a snowmobile to speed along the beaches of Bora Bora. Not in anyway helpful. See schools are great at socially opening up a person. Say you are the equivalent of a scarecrow. I draw this distinction because I associate scarecrows with having mouths sewn on them. I dont really know where this came about but anyway. Where was I going with this? Oh yes, socially opening. Really, it is impossible to write something properly when your mind gets trailed off very easily. Like a ship that has a bad navigator. Or a bird riding a moped. See what I mean?

So yeah. Um,scarecrows and socialites. See, when you are in school and at the age that we enter it, there are groups of people that will slowly evolve into a classroom community. If a person who is shy and quiet starts in a classroom of say 30 people at the age of 6 or 7 then there is bound to be someone there that will walk up to him and start a conversation. Childlike innocence prevents people from segregating others based on class or race and friendships that will last will be forged at that moment. That is what I want to do again. Get friends that last a lifetime. Not the education system. Thats just murder. All the pressure they put us through to do the blasted UPSR, PMR and SPM and then to tell us when we are done with school that "Sorry kids, we just wasted 11 years of your life preparing you for exams that really aren't any good to you. We're not sorry to have wasted your time."

I think people have misunderstood the meaning of education in this country. In school, we are trained to learn by heart. That's it no question's asked. For eleven bloody years, we have been encouraged to learn by heart because thing's don't change. That is a perception that we carry forward to the real world. Life is simple and straight forward and everything always remains the same. WRONG! Malaysians are people that never really learn to utilize their brains properly until the day we reach college and it's like jerking a rug from under our feet. Most of us can't cope, and the ones that do, take a long time to actually get to that stage. It's sad. A brain is mans greatest asset.

I think we don't singularly promote the strengths in a student. Let me make an example. Say one person is better than the other in Maths, while the other is better in Engineering stuff and you know. My point is, save the language classes, why is it we don't segregate the students based on what they WANT to learn rather that piling them all in the same classroom and teaching them the same things. Obviously some will fail in some subjects and vice versa. It's natural that people will fail in something they have no interest in. You might notice that this is the education system that is used in the USA. So what? Copy it if its effective. I don't think the US government has put a patent on their education system. It'll be better for Malaysians. Currently, our system's like putting a lion, tiger and an elephant in the same enclosure and tossing vegetarian pizzas at them. Not one of them is going to eat it. Come back in a week and you'll find the tiger and elephant having a drink together while the lion, well, he's a bit standoffish.

I really think that we need to change the whole education system, and while its been announced that it had, just how effective will it be? Only time will tell.

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Says who pregnant women are subjected to odd mood swings that drive men mad. That's bloody stereotyping that is. Look for example at the classic case of my writing timeline. I find that in order for me to be satisfied with what I put down in virtual paper, I need to be in a humourous mood to write something that make's me laugh. Possibly this might strike you as slightly self absorbed. It is. I don't intend to please people out there with the way I write. Why? because there are too many of them. Each person is as fickle as the other and in the end I might just be better off sitting in a corner and smashing my head against a wall screaming about why elephants cant jump. Which incidentally is a unanswered question. Maybe they are too heavy.

A persons mood very well dictates what he/ she is inclined to do next. An angry person may stab you, a sad person will cry, and then will stab you and a happy person will tell you a great joke about muesli and then stab you. Only the way those stabs are stabbed are miles apart in distinction. The angry man will stab you and you will die. The crying man will stab you with his sorrow and you will cry too and the happy man will stab you with his finger in the gut and go "aha, got cha!"

Let me take a moment to think why I pursued this topic in the first place.... Ah yes. Sherlock Holmes. Ah, didn't think I would go there will you? Why this man you ask? Well, why not? Its a common fact for all Holmes readers to realise that he is a man of terrible mood swings. He can be comatose at one point and then full of energy the next. I've taken a fascination to this man. His methods of deduction are to the common man a power. But it isn't. As he (or rather Conan Dolye puts it) states, the most complicated deductions are formed from noticing the most simplest details.

What is the conclusion? Look. Think. Act. I've been watching too much of Holmes lately. It has reached a  point where Jeremy Brett who played him in the Granada series, has his voice stuck in my head. That is true acting on his part. The only person capable of playing Holmes that well is certainly Benedict Cumberbatch from the new BBC program.

Oh yes. Just to point out. Holmes never said, "Elementary, my dear Watson."
What he did say was this.

When you have eliminated all the impossible, the remaining, however improbable must be the truth...

Thursday 16 August 2012

Of beards and BMI

It's been sometime now. I mean for a lot of things. The end of A-Levels. The results have been announced. I have a beard. I'm now 19 officially. I'm bored (nothing new there). I finished playing Splinter Cell Conviction, progress there.It's the other end of August and it couldn't get any better. Well, I suppose it could. Which brings me to a point,  the phrase 'this couldn't get any better' is sort of redundant when something better really does happen and in comparison to the earlier event, this is much better. So never use the phrase if you are a realist and/or and optimist. If you are neither, you wouldn't be using the phrase at all, so you don't apply.

I have established a few things over the couple of months of contemplative thinking and soul searching. I'll put it up in bullet points and make it easier for you reading this.

  1. I've lost some weight.
  2. I am not too fond of beards.
I dare not venture too far on the first point. I'm still working on it. It's quite a weighty matter. Pun not intended.

The second point is rather sad. I've always been a great admirer of beards and all that is facial hair, on men of course. If a woman were to have a beard it would be utterly tragic, for God intended people to be unique and men got to facial hair first, I suppose. It is an itch in the face, beards are. Literally. You know what, I may have just coined a new phrase. 'An itch in the face.' "Ah, Joseph, you seem to have cut your arm off!!" "Truly, Jebbediah, but I'll wager that it is no more than an itch in the face". Quite good that.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Another one week zilch.

"The weekend cometh, and it goeth" said a person with a speaking problem. Again we find ourselves on a busy Monday morning. The birds are singing, the bee's are being bee's, somewhere, the dog is napping, but then, he does that all  day, everyday. He's a very calm dog, Trigger is. I think being a German Shepherd help's. I noticed that these types of dog's are not the usual "I'm jumping up and down, happy, happy" type's. He's more "Oh, hello. Tea? Coffee?" type, you know, relaxed. Except when it comes to motorcycles. Then he lets the dog out. Pun intended.

So, eventful week, this was. No. It wasn't. It was boring and uneventful. But then, I should get used to that, being on holiday for what, a month now? Funny as it may seem, I don't really pass of as the active type. I am content to sit at home and laze, but now it is unbearable. Either there is a psychological part of my brain that is at work, like when you sleep in during weekends and you're like, I'm going to sleep all day, and promptly wake up at half past seven. During the week, you can't seem to get out of bed. Or it could be that I am a passively active person. What that means I have no idea. What I am trying to say is that I like to sit around, but only for a limited time. Afterwards I need something to do.

Which is why blogging helps. Yes. Thank you Google for making my life that much worth living for. Not that it isn't or anything. It's just some thing's are worth living for, like jam. Some thing's aren't , like politicians. And some thing's help you get by, like marmalade. It's not that good in my opinion, but it make's bread taste better when raspberry isn't around. Blogging does have its good's and bad's. It help's you be creative and test the limit of your written linguistic borders that may consequently help you in achieving a better platform of communication with a person you have developed attachment's that are normally associated with affection of the heart. Plainly, it means you're trying to chat someone up. Writing helps. Bad traits in blogging include, I dunno, wasting electricity I suppose.

I have decided to retake playing the violin. I am so enthusiastic about it that I am going to get it restrung this very day. I even got a book. Violin for dummies. No snide comments please. My dad took care of that. It's something to pass the time. If you have a passion for something, do it they say. I really don't think what I am feeling towards the violin is classified as passion but hey, I like music so what the hell. I was contemplating getting the dummy series on guitars, another instrument that I haven't played in like forever. But I changed my mind last minute. Violin is sexier. The piano is slightly hard to get restrung. Wont fit in my car.

Basically, I have attained musical enlightenment. I want to make music. It's fun. It's relaxing and which woman doesn't like a man that isn't in touch with his musical side, eh? Yeaahhh... You see what I mean. They'll be lining up they will. So long as it's not to claim for their broken windows.

Thursday 5 July 2012

It's dusty and not a blade of grass in sight....

Righto. I've put this off for an extra day, God knows why. Where was I? Oh yes, traffic. Simply murder. I mean that quite literally actually, if you don't see the auto rickshaw that is coming in the direction that it shouldn't be coming in, it will most definitely kill you and no one will care less. I was watching Top Gear the other day and they mentioned that there is a highway that stretches from Pune to Bombay where at least 1000 or so people die. I don't remember the exact figure's but when I heard it, it was staggering.

The food. That is the interesting bit. Indian's are not completely meat eaters. We are more subdued in that sort of meat eating aspect. We don't eat beef for religious reasons and that is an irony in itself the way I see it but I'll let that pass. We observe vegetarianism for certain months of the calender or when someone die's or there is a religious thing going on. The reason being that God is a vegetarian. Another irony in my opinion, but again, I'll let that pass.

If you are Malaysian and a non-Indian, you would think that our food is mainly based on curries and rice with lots of veggies in it. And you would be right. You would think that the local 'anne' in the curry house serving you mutton varuval and chicken chettinad shows the true form of Indian food. And you would be dead wrong. That doesn't even scratch the surface of what real Indian food is. We don't need to use curry powder if we could avoid it. Real Indian food is so rich and so totally different from whatever nonsense you get from shops like Maalas Curry House or Shammini's Chettinad King Cuisine or whatever be it in the trendiest part of Bangsar or Bukit Bintang. 

The kind of food that makes you think of five star service and what not in Malaysia is actually what you can get from a road side stall in India. It puts you off it does. I go there almost every other year and I can never get used to the food. Always something or the other will go wrong and my stomach will not be on best terms with me for the duration of the trip, which is a big dimmer in the whole experience. So much so that every time I do go there I am bound to lose weight. Which is a plus point.

I would recommend going to India though. It's different. If you think we Malaysian's have it tough with work and education and family and all, you are all wusses compared to what they have to go through. There are people there surrounded by poverty and no chance of seeing the outside world but they persevere and I suppose they have the "If I don't get there, my son/daughter will" sort of attitude. Its amazing. I was watching the news there the other day (In English) and there was this huge accident where two trains had crashed into each other. I dunno how many had died, but within hours, normal service had resumed. Tell me that isn't impressive.

Not long before that, the attack on the Taj and the Oberoi. I was there. I was in Bombay at the time. Just getting into the city in the morning after being in Calcutta for the whole week for my cousin (another one) was getting married. People were killed and the city was in lock down. Soldiers carrying machine guns were staring at us  with suspicious looks and armored vehicles were everywhere. The next day, everything is back to normal.

Its a great country if you enjoy different culture's. India is diverse too. Only while here we have differences that are noticeable, I mean, you can differentiate an Indian to a Malay to a Chinese, and we are all free to choose our own religion, there everyone is an Indian but religion is up to what you believe in. So you have a bit of everything and maybe more.  A lot of festivities and the gap between people was broken a long long time ago. Now, they dont need a politician going around telling us that only through 1 Malaysia can Ali and Cheong and Raman be good friends. They were there long ago.

I will keep going there again and again and again. I hope if you can, you do the same. Because it is India, and in my opinion, where it all started.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Mystical India was dusty...

I was given an idea for this piece. So here is a big acknowledgement to Allysha. Right. That's that done. So. A piece on magnificent India. It's a country, suprisingly large one at that. 22 languages a population of over a billion or something like that. That's could be wrong, as they seem to grow in the thousands daily. And thankfully die at the same rate.

I was from there. Well, technically speaking of course. I am an Indian by race. The country where I was born and raised still seems to think its better for all of us to be separated by that race thingy. Honestly, I don't really disagree with them. Malaysia is a diverse country, and most of the different races do look different, so all right I suppose.

Anyway, India. Right. First time I went there, was for my cousin sisters wedding back in 200-something or rather. Can't really remember. Never was too good with date's. Serious failing of mine. So, I cant really give you a proper account of what it was like that year. But thankfully, I have been there another 5 times after that and yeah, I can sorta-kinda-maybe tell you that it's nothing like what you think it is.

If you think it is a dirty, smelly, poverty stricken, overpopulated place, because that is what people project into our minds through the tv, then you would be about 50% right. It is grossly overpopulated, most people are subjected to the hard life due to that and it is dusty. Or that may have been the place I visited.

See, the story is funny. My grandfather, this is my mothers father, had decided that, after he had retired and gone back to India with his daughters and wife, leaving behind his sons in Malaysia, that his daughter's who had to marry at the time (or else people would talk), had to well, marry. My mother wasn't a candidate, but her two elder sisters were. This ladies and gent's is the real reason, I go to India. Not to see the sights, not to backpack and see the slum's and feel sorry for all of the poverty stricken, but to see my aunts. And along the way, I do see slums and sights that tickle and touch your heart at the same time.

So both my aunts live in two seriously far away places. A day's journey on the train. Yes, I have been on it. It was very different and it will put KTM to shame. One is in Bombay, familiar. One is in Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh. I make this distinction because there is another Hyderabad, Pakistan. Which was a part of India, much like Bangladesh and Punjab, all of which are not now. I wont go into detail as I don't know the whole story.

They speak different languages in both states. Telugu, in Hyderabad, and Hindi in Bombay. My aunts can both speak their own states respective languages added to English and Malyalam, our mother tounge. Which makes them quite versatile. In a very languagy sort of way. Its a place that grow's on you. It is culture shock to the max for people who have never been there before. So people like my dear idea giver wouldn't do too well, but I have my doubts. People do what come's naturally on the sides of streets and if you are unlucky enough you will have the great chance of seeing one in action. Like I said, it grows on you.

Then there is traffic, which is a adventure on its own. If you survive it, it shows you are very alert and agile. If you don't, you will die. The country has the most worst driving the world has ever seen. I make this up not. This is a fact. The can make three lanes in a one lane road, and then a cow passes you in a perpendicular direction. I have made a solemn oath that for the sake of my future wife and future children that I will NEVER drive in that country. I don't want to live forever, but I don't want to die fast either.

All this is not enough to summarize the whole of India, so I will continue, now I have more pressing things to attend to. It starts with a P and ends with a 3...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

On the phone? Are you joking?

It is absolutely amazing. That is the word. No two ways about it. I am actually sitting infront of the laptop and for the third time this month am actually writing my third piece for this month. What the hell is wrong with me? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not disappointed or anything, it's just that I never show this much consistency. I amaze myself sometimes.

But in essence, I reason that it is a progress made in my part. For writing is not detrimental to the person, unlike smoking weed. Let me be the first to assure you that I don't. Smoke weed. Or smoke. Anything. I don't personally object to the habit. You smoke, you kill yourself faster and that is no concern of mine. But I personally don't like it. So to my mate's who do smoke, puff away. Anyway, back to the writing. Or shall we classify this as typing? Since that is what I am doing.

So what do we call typing on a smart phone. I recently (somewhere about 3 months ago?) bought that fancy new gadget the iPhone 4S. Let me start by saying what an amazing thing it is. All the apps are helpful and I am always connected with everyone through the social media. I can gather information like a straw house would catch fire. Very fast in case you're wondering. But one thing that I am sure is on the lips of the nation. Is what I am doing, when I send messages on an iPhone, which has no keypad, called typing, or is it tapping?

And that bring's me neatly-ish to the topic that is my latest grouch. The Blogger app for android and ios or IOs, or whatever. Here is the thing. I don't have tiny, dainty fingers like females or some rather awkwardly genetic males in this world. I have big one's. They are the size of bananas for God sake. How do you expect me to write a message to a person with these fingers? Let alone compose a blog?

For the next idiot who is going to say that I should get a phone which has a keypad then, if it's so difficult for you to do, I shall kick you hard in the rear end and tell you to sodd off. I like my phone as much as I like being in the stream of technology, moving forwards. So I won't change my phone, you should change, direction.

Actually, I haven't got to the real part of the problem I seem to see. The app as I mentioned is available for the smartphone right? So let me get this straight? You actually have an app for people to post blogs, something that is a piece of work that requires concentration and forethought into a device that was invented to make and receive calls while a person is on the go? I mean, come on, who the hell will be able to find the time to update a blog while on the way to work. Short post's like what you get on Facebook and Twitter seem to be acceptable as they are all small phrases that you use to sum up your situation. But a Blog.

That being said, I must admit that I have actually downloaded it on my phone and also am intending to get rid of it as soon as possible. Its just a waste of space. If you have an idea for a blog, write it down or put it as a reminder on that SMARTphone of yours and compose the piece when you get home. You will have better peace of mind and more thankful fingers, let me tell you.

Monday 25 June 2012

A sense of humor? Sense it?

I view myself with a certain amount of pride. Proud indeed of the fact that my sense of humor is not constrained by much. I laugh at everything. Jokes about me, my family, my otherwise rounded physique, and even the smallest most lamest jokes are enough to set me off. In one way, I think it is a blessing to be able to laugh at even the smallest thing's in life. Personally, what is life without laughter.

My father I have to thank for this. He is the most wittiest person you would have ever met and believe me this is not son-allistic pride that is talking. Oh no. I am dead serious. And you still would not believe me. See, my dad on the outside, atleast to my friends, is a person who looks very serious, doesn't talk much. But don't let that fool you one bit. I mean, you only have to live with the man for 19 years like I have to know that is a complete farce to what he actually is. I have cousins who can attest to that. Not to mention my sister.

My father introduced me to British comedy. He watched with me Blackadder, Only Fools and Horses, Peter Seller's Pink Panther and The Party. Through that, I watched programs like, Monty Python, Not The Nine O Clock News, Goodness Gracious Me,My Family, My Hero and my personal favorite, Top Gear. It was a opening of a whole new door of humor to me, to put it simply, and I came to realize, that British humor was way better than American slapstick. Which I think is funny, but get's very boring.

I love the way the British are able to make fun at everyone. Case point here would be Mr. Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear presenter and motoring journalist. The man has made fun at everyone from the Prime Minister of Britain to lorry driver's, not to mention offending the Malaysian Parliament. As to that, now the series is no longer aired in Malaysia because we cant take a bloody joke.  But the thing is, he is not in the least bothered. I put this up as a Facebook status today, where Jeremy was being interviewed by the 60 mins show, and he goes something along the lines of  "If we were trying to please everybody, we would end up with something bland and boring." So they all (Hammond, May included) go along and do what they want, and if they insult anybody, they don't really care much. The point I'm trying to make here is that to have a proper sense of humor, you must learn to accept and give humor as they come. Letting small things like statements injure your pride is never going to make you a better person.

That being said, I admit that there is a limit to everything. Like the destruction of the Perodua Kelisa was a bit far fetched. Although it was really funny. I still chuckle at the thought of Clarkson taking a sledge hammer and smashing the Kelisa to bits. Ahheeehheeeheee....

So what am I trying to say here? British comedy is best? Learn to take insults? Well. Yes. To both. In my honest opinion, Brits have a better way of making you laugh. Insults are easy to digest once you get used to them, and most likely, you will laugh along with them.

A P/S seems to be in order. P.S: This is sort of incomplete. Sorry bout that. But I am sitting on a floor and right now I cant feel both my buttocks. Cheerio.

Thursday 21 June 2012


Splinter Cell Blacklist - World Premiere Trailer [UK]

Assassin's Creed 3 - E3 Official Trailer [UK]

It's over people! I am officially done with my A-Levels program. I am one step towards the lawyerdom. Obviously, according to spell check that isn't a real word. Like, contrafibularity, or speel, whatever they are. Anyhow, back to the story, which as I sit here typing random words on my keyboard, I am trying my level best to formulate. Doesn't seem to be working very well.

Ah... I  have it. A small piece devoted to the the people I met while in college. Among other things, I really must commend them for the changes that it has introduced me to. Like for instance, how to cross a street when traffic is heavy, and buses are driving at high speeds. How to get in and out of a LRT while it is compacted with people. How to endure an hour and half bus journeys between states in Malaysia, sometimes three. But most of all, it has thought me that people that we thought were idiots when we were in school are nothing compared to the nutcases that life is yet to throw on us. However good your reflexes are, ladies and gentlemen, you will still be drenched by the gunk that is the stupidity, or the, annoying habits, or the way the mind of other people operate.

It teaches you to cope with the world. It shows you that people are different. Some are optimists, some are pessimistic and others are realists. I like to think that I fall into the third category, edging on the first. Some have open minds, some have minds so open that I swear that they have misplaced their brains altogether and then the close minded ones and the ones with minds so close that they must have no place at all for brains.

So, people come in all shapes and sizes, tall, short, fat, thin, good looking, not good looking. But this is all immaterial, as I like to say. It all matters when it comes down to brain capacity usage. Seriously used, used, used but not enough, and not there at all. A person is only as good as he can think. For thinking... Thinking is everything. 


Saturday 7 April 2012

Save that fat cat.

Let me put it to you this way. The tiger is a beautiful animal. It's is the essence of elegance, the need to survive and the greatness that is God's drawing board. It's skin is amazingly well thought out for and animal that lives in the jungle and feed's on things that Malaysian's like to name after their car's. Which is a thing that we should be afraid of, very afraid...

Simply put, I have no reason to see that animal's like the Bengal tiger or the North Aberdonian Elk with white freckles become extinct due to human rubbish like poaching. But that being said, I don't appreciate the nonsense that environmentalists put up saying that we should do everything in our power to keep nature intact to ensure that the spiky chinchada from Mexico, always has a place to stay. Still not getting it? A more direct hit then. If we were to make sure that the number's of tigers in the world are the same as they were 50 years ago that would mean that we would be put back in terms of development. Not to mention the fact that eventually, one or more tiger's will escape from their natural habitat enter our housing development's and eat us all. And we will be powerless to do anything because environmentalist' would have made sure that the person that shoot's a tiger will be hung from his leg's at the next tree and shot himself. See, how you like it eh?

My point is that human's are increasing in number day by day because of  advancements in medical science and we will eventually run out of space to live in where we already occupy. We WILL have to tread in the amazonian forests and then take the space there. Heck, scientist and other dingbat's are already specualting going to Mars for cheap apartments. What does that say?

I sincerely think that the best bet for us now is to get all the tiger's in the world and control their population. So then in the future, my children will not be eaten by one that accidentally come's into the populated area we live in. Animal's that are dangerous ought to be looked at from the zoo. Not in real life situation's where the watcher might just be asked over to lunch time as the main course.

In ending, save the Bengal Tiger. But, for God sake, put it somewhere that I can be sure that it won't make a house call. 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

My fault?

In the last few day's I have been struggling with a post. I come up with something that seems good in my head and then when I get down to business and start writing it, poof, there it goes. Writer's block is a bitch. I even told myself that I would set a time every week and sit down and write a piece to show my enthusiasm in writing. I am. Interested in doing thing's like this. Writing is a good way to relax. Let your idea's flow through your fingers and marvel at the final piece of work, that unless you have a rather large fan base or follower's will generate no interest in the world at all. Your work will be condemned to be read by pedophiles that may have mistaken your page for a section of you know what.

It's not only blogs that I seem to be struggling with. Even, trying to get myself to study for a bit is harder than I suppose getting Julius Caesar to admit that he really did make a mistake by declaring himself supreme big shot of Rome. Although, after Brutus stuffed a knife, some 20 times in his back, he might have got around to thinking twice. Nothing like tough love, eh? I look back at the time when I was in school. The good old day's where people wrote on rock's and education was about hunting deer and killing sabre toothed tigers. I realised that there was momentum in the way that I studied and when I got around to doing my PMR exam, I was in total control. Heh, I even remember my teacher, shouting at me for not studying during precious break times. But I had it all under control and hey presto, aced it.

But now, I feel like that is far behind me and sadly it is. I can no longer sit at my desk and allow whatever that I learned in my lectures to stay there. It's like a burst dam. I keep filling it up and in 10 minute's, empty. Depressing is a understatement. I don't feel depressed. Which means what I feel is resentment and anger towards my lecturers. Why? Simple. Here's the thing. One reason why we actually did study in school was because the teacher would give us homework. When we did homework, we inadvertently studied the subject, and to follow up, when we re-read the chapter, it would stick in our heads. But when we grew up and went on to more lazzies faire system's, homework took a backseat. Which was great for most of us but I think it was a mistake.

Lecturer's argue that homework is too much for them to handle and they couldn't possibly cope with the enormous workload. But, I say, what the hell are your juniors for, nutcase? Give it to them as well, and I'm pretty sure you can get work done. Are the time's where teacher's used to go all out to get students to work hard and them, harder, gone like the Concorde? Or is it because I am in a college that lecturers don't want to work hard at all. So far in 15 month's of doing my law programme, I have never once been inclined by a teacher with a cane to hand in my homework. I haven't written an essay to give in that a lecturer can actually asses to see how much my life will crumble before me.

Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is all my fault. Maybe I am not trying hard enough and I should be pushing myself to try harder. Since I am a not a lecturer, I really don't know the situation that my teacher's in and I am in no position to criticize them. I'm sorry, but, I think something has to be done. Either the teacher's buck up and give us more work to do that can keep us in check or, or.... Well, see, that's all that I can think of.

So, if anyone can come up with a better way to help keep my grades from drowning me, tell me. Or I will maintain that my teacher's are all lazy and like to have a booze (for those of them that do) rather than see me getting an A and becoming supreme master of the universe.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Calling AGAIN??!!!

If someone were to ask me "Pramod, why did you name your blog Let's Not Go There", they would get in reply my very snappy retort along the line's of "My bloody wish" followed by an expletive, depending on who asks. Now, however, this particular story that I choose to write would in fact show that I did choose to go there. I somehow felt that it was a topic though discussed various times around the world by many people who have a better depth in the subject then plain old me, I had to give it my own shot.

A few days ago, more precisely on Friday morning, I was on the way to the bus stand (Yes, I do take public transport, No I don't have a choice.) in the car with my aunt and the radio was playing. Typical morning scene, slightly predictable, but it was what the deejays (whom I have a personal grudge against, FYI) were discussing on their show that day was what got my idea to write this story lit. Internet. Could we survive without it? Yes, I can almost see everyone rolling their eyes at me going "Mate, of course we can't, go write about something else will you? Something interesting, like syphilis maybe." Yes, go on, I know that's what you're thinking. You terrible people you.

So. What is it about this topic that got me so interested that I HAD  to like totally blog about it man (dumb bimbo stating a fact expression inserted here). Well, a decade ago, we did not have the freedom that we enjoy on the net that is become almost a norm to the 21st century. When I say decade I mean along the timeline of like 1990-2005? From, the most basic mode of the computer we now have the iPhone, the iPad, the tablet gizmo's, Satnav that comes standard with most cars, paying bills online. Basically, what this shows is that we are at all time's connected to each other through the net.

Now. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the idea of being in touch with my family all the time if I was to say go study in England or something and my mom and dad were still here in Malaysia. It's fine. I am even prepared to admit I am a bit of a mama's boy who want's to grow up to be a carbon copy (personality wise) like his dad. But as one person that called up the radio station to agree with the statement, I found myself agreeing as well. Everything has it's pro's and con's. Especially the net that MAY seem to have many more pro's than con's at this moment. But I think not.

Let's take what that guy said for example. He said that communication is not the same anymore. Bloody hell if it was. I could talk to anyone, probably a Kalahari Bushman in the bush taking a crap in the morning through Facebook's chat if he had a handphone with internet, had a  Facebook profile and knew English.
Let's just say that he is that disgusting enough to chat with someone while taking a crap and satisfies all those criteria's then the statement is confirmed. Communication is not as what it was back in the day. The world has become much more smaller and is continuing to become so that the size of the world could be compared to Lindsay Lohan's brain size. Not big is it??

However, this only proves the case in favour of the internet. What my man on the net was trying to say is that with the world getting smaller, communication  has lost it's charm, shall we say. When we couldn't make call's to people oversea's at a free price thanks to Viber, my mother would once in a year get a card to make call's with. Sorta like a prepaid card and call her sisters in India. Then she would have like about an hour or more to talk to the two aunts of mine. Not enough with the range of topic's they had to discuss. "Who's getting hitched, who sold the family home, which family member is still an ass," and knowing the topic range that my mother can come up with, an hour seem's like a second. But my point is that, these calls that she made meant something to her. She could look forward to calling her sisters and catching up with them. Not that her sister mean anything less to her now, but the charm that I mentioned, it is sort of diminished.

Birthday's were a time that I looked forward to when people would send me presents and cards. Anything from the mail was a silent pleasure to anyone on the face of the earth. Unless you are all alone, miserable and  a social misfit like the Real Housewives cast. Also, my friends sending me texts or calling me up made the day feel more worth the while. Now, all they do is bloody spam my Facebook wall and do it for nothing. Cheapskates. I mean nothing say's someone means something to you like spending a few cents to actually call the bugger up on his birthday to see how he's doing, right? Well, wrong apparently. I loved to collect any cards that were sent to me and keep them for years. Now I HAVE to get rid of them or they take up space in my inbox.

Conclusion, we are hooked on the internet. It's a drug that has serious side effects. Life is changing because of it and it is not for the better in my opinion. Something's are better when they are done with a serious effort. Like the cards and the calling up someone. It make's the other person feel more worth wile with that slightly-harder-than-the-internet version that-really isn't- that- hard. So go on. Send a card. Through snail mail.

Friday 6 January 2012

Eddie Izzard

Splinter Cell Conviction - E3 trailer

My call... Ing

Ladies and gent's... I have received my calling... No, I'm not converting religions, no, I'm not getting a sex change (option still open, though) and no I am not the son of God (though my dad seem's to think so)... I have finally figured that I have a trend towards the games that I play. Video games that is. If I was a healthy enough person then this blog would be most certainly longer, by which I would undoubtedly write about how I like to hit ball's round open spaces.

But no. Sadly. We shall stick to video games. Most games these days are to be honest, marvellous. The gaming industry is certainly booming. With the release of my favourite franchises latest instalment Assassins Creed Revelations, by Ubisoft, I am floored by the ingenuity of people that actually come up with this stuff. I mean, what the hell do they get paid by sitting all day making stories up? And what amazing things that these group of people can actually come up with? They actually can come up with a storyline that captures you and keeps you stuck to the screen till you're retarded or Dumbledore, whichever way he strikes you first.

But I'm steering off point. I seem to like games that involve real world mechanics. Sam Fisher, Ezio Auditore, Altair, Niko Bellic, and as of such. They all could have had a chance to exist if not for the fact that they probably came to life by grace of a beer bottle. What I'm trying to get at is that their stories involve the real world. No over the top sci-fi extra-arm-that-glows nonsense that Japanese games seem to revel in. Their area's  are ones that we are familiar with. Italy, Constantinople, America...Although Liberty City doesn't...

To probably not confuse you further, I hate anime based games. Sci- fi or thing's that really have the least chance of happening in my life time. I hate watching people get exited over characters that almost always seem to have the same hairstyle, overlarge boobs and the least amount of clothing. It is really sad. Get a girlfriend mate. My latest craze is the not so new Splinter Cell Conviction  which I seem to have some trouble acquiring. Have to get that solved. Any help?