It's over people! I am officially done with my A-Levels program. I am one step towards the lawyerdom. Obviously, according to spell check that isn't a real word. Like, contrafibularity, or speel, whatever they are. Anyhow, back to the story, which as I sit here typing random words on my keyboard, I am trying my level best to formulate. Doesn't seem to be working very well.
Ah... I have it. A small piece devoted to the the people I met while in college. Among other things, I really must commend them for the changes that it has introduced me to. Like for instance, how to cross a street when traffic is heavy, and buses are driving at high speeds. How to get in and out of a LRT while it is compacted with people. How to endure an hour and half bus journeys between states in Malaysia, sometimes three. But most of all, it has thought me that people that we thought were idiots when we were in school are nothing compared to the nutcases that life is yet to throw on us. However good your reflexes are, ladies and gentlemen, you will still be drenched by the gunk that is the stupidity, or the, annoying habits, or the way the mind of other people operate.
It teaches you to cope with the world. It shows you that people are different. Some are optimists, some are pessimistic and others are realists. I like to think that I fall into the third category, edging on the first. Some have open minds, some have minds so open that I swear that they have misplaced their brains altogether and then the close minded ones and the ones with minds so close that they must have no place at all for brains.
So, people come in all shapes and sizes, tall, short, fat, thin, good looking, not good looking. But this is all immaterial, as I like to say. It all matters when it comes down to brain capacity usage. Seriously used, used, used but not enough, and not there at all. A person is only as good as he can think. For thinking... Thinking is everything.
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