Saturday 7 April 2012

Save that fat cat.

Let me put it to you this way. The tiger is a beautiful animal. It's is the essence of elegance, the need to survive and the greatness that is God's drawing board. It's skin is amazingly well thought out for and animal that lives in the jungle and feed's on things that Malaysian's like to name after their car's. Which is a thing that we should be afraid of, very afraid...

Simply put, I have no reason to see that animal's like the Bengal tiger or the North Aberdonian Elk with white freckles become extinct due to human rubbish like poaching. But that being said, I don't appreciate the nonsense that environmentalists put up saying that we should do everything in our power to keep nature intact to ensure that the spiky chinchada from Mexico, always has a place to stay. Still not getting it? A more direct hit then. If we were to make sure that the number's of tigers in the world are the same as they were 50 years ago that would mean that we would be put back in terms of development. Not to mention the fact that eventually, one or more tiger's will escape from their natural habitat enter our housing development's and eat us all. And we will be powerless to do anything because environmentalist' would have made sure that the person that shoot's a tiger will be hung from his leg's at the next tree and shot himself. See, how you like it eh?

My point is that human's are increasing in number day by day because of  advancements in medical science and we will eventually run out of space to live in where we already occupy. We WILL have to tread in the amazonian forests and then take the space there. Heck, scientist and other dingbat's are already specualting going to Mars for cheap apartments. What does that say?

I sincerely think that the best bet for us now is to get all the tiger's in the world and control their population. So then in the future, my children will not be eaten by one that accidentally come's into the populated area we live in. Animal's that are dangerous ought to be looked at from the zoo. Not in real life situation's where the watcher might just be asked over to lunch time as the main course.

In ending, save the Bengal Tiger. But, for God sake, put it somewhere that I can be sure that it won't make a house call. 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

My fault?

In the last few day's I have been struggling with a post. I come up with something that seems good in my head and then when I get down to business and start writing it, poof, there it goes. Writer's block is a bitch. I even told myself that I would set a time every week and sit down and write a piece to show my enthusiasm in writing. I am. Interested in doing thing's like this. Writing is a good way to relax. Let your idea's flow through your fingers and marvel at the final piece of work, that unless you have a rather large fan base or follower's will generate no interest in the world at all. Your work will be condemned to be read by pedophiles that may have mistaken your page for a section of you know what.

It's not only blogs that I seem to be struggling with. Even, trying to get myself to study for a bit is harder than I suppose getting Julius Caesar to admit that he really did make a mistake by declaring himself supreme big shot of Rome. Although, after Brutus stuffed a knife, some 20 times in his back, he might have got around to thinking twice. Nothing like tough love, eh? I look back at the time when I was in school. The good old day's where people wrote on rock's and education was about hunting deer and killing sabre toothed tigers. I realised that there was momentum in the way that I studied and when I got around to doing my PMR exam, I was in total control. Heh, I even remember my teacher, shouting at me for not studying during precious break times. But I had it all under control and hey presto, aced it.

But now, I feel like that is far behind me and sadly it is. I can no longer sit at my desk and allow whatever that I learned in my lectures to stay there. It's like a burst dam. I keep filling it up and in 10 minute's, empty. Depressing is a understatement. I don't feel depressed. Which means what I feel is resentment and anger towards my lecturers. Why? Simple. Here's the thing. One reason why we actually did study in school was because the teacher would give us homework. When we did homework, we inadvertently studied the subject, and to follow up, when we re-read the chapter, it would stick in our heads. But when we grew up and went on to more lazzies faire system's, homework took a backseat. Which was great for most of us but I think it was a mistake.

Lecturer's argue that homework is too much for them to handle and they couldn't possibly cope with the enormous workload. But, I say, what the hell are your juniors for, nutcase? Give it to them as well, and I'm pretty sure you can get work done. Are the time's where teacher's used to go all out to get students to work hard and them, harder, gone like the Concorde? Or is it because I am in a college that lecturers don't want to work hard at all. So far in 15 month's of doing my law programme, I have never once been inclined by a teacher with a cane to hand in my homework. I haven't written an essay to give in that a lecturer can actually asses to see how much my life will crumble before me.

Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is all my fault. Maybe I am not trying hard enough and I should be pushing myself to try harder. Since I am a not a lecturer, I really don't know the situation that my teacher's in and I am in no position to criticize them. I'm sorry, but, I think something has to be done. Either the teacher's buck up and give us more work to do that can keep us in check or, or.... Well, see, that's all that I can think of.

So, if anyone can come up with a better way to help keep my grades from drowning me, tell me. Or I will maintain that my teacher's are all lazy and like to have a booze (for those of them that do) rather than see me getting an A and becoming supreme master of the universe.