Tuesday 26 June 2012

On the phone? Are you joking?

It is absolutely amazing. That is the word. No two ways about it. I am actually sitting infront of the laptop and for the third time this month am actually writing my third piece for this month. What the hell is wrong with me? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not disappointed or anything, it's just that I never show this much consistency. I amaze myself sometimes.

But in essence, I reason that it is a progress made in my part. For writing is not detrimental to the person, unlike smoking weed. Let me be the first to assure you that I don't. Smoke weed. Or smoke. Anything. I don't personally object to the habit. You smoke, you kill yourself faster and that is no concern of mine. But I personally don't like it. So to my mate's who do smoke, puff away. Anyway, back to the writing. Or shall we classify this as typing? Since that is what I am doing.

So what do we call typing on a smart phone. I recently (somewhere about 3 months ago?) bought that fancy new gadget the iPhone 4S. Let me start by saying what an amazing thing it is. All the apps are helpful and I am always connected with everyone through the social media. I can gather information like a straw house would catch fire. Very fast in case you're wondering. But one thing that I am sure is on the lips of the nation. Is what I am doing, when I send messages on an iPhone, which has no keypad, called typing, or is it tapping?

And that bring's me neatly-ish to the topic that is my latest grouch. The Blogger app for android and ios or IOs, or whatever. Here is the thing. I don't have tiny, dainty fingers like females or some rather awkwardly genetic males in this world. I have big one's. They are the size of bananas for God sake. How do you expect me to write a message to a person with these fingers? Let alone compose a blog?

For the next idiot who is going to say that I should get a phone which has a keypad then, if it's so difficult for you to do, I shall kick you hard in the rear end and tell you to sodd off. I like my phone as much as I like being in the stream of technology, moving forwards. So I won't change my phone, you should change, direction.

Actually, I haven't got to the real part of the problem I seem to see. The app as I mentioned is available for the smartphone right? So let me get this straight? You actually have an app for people to post blogs, something that is a piece of work that requires concentration and forethought into a device that was invented to make and receive calls while a person is on the go? I mean, come on, who the hell will be able to find the time to update a blog while on the way to work. Short post's like what you get on Facebook and Twitter seem to be acceptable as they are all small phrases that you use to sum up your situation. But a Blog.

That being said, I must admit that I have actually downloaded it on my phone and also am intending to get rid of it as soon as possible. Its just a waste of space. If you have an idea for a blog, write it down or put it as a reminder on that SMARTphone of yours and compose the piece when you get home. You will have better peace of mind and more thankful fingers, let me tell you.

Monday 25 June 2012

A sense of humor? Sense it?

I view myself with a certain amount of pride. Proud indeed of the fact that my sense of humor is not constrained by much. I laugh at everything. Jokes about me, my family, my otherwise rounded physique, and even the smallest most lamest jokes are enough to set me off. In one way, I think it is a blessing to be able to laugh at even the smallest thing's in life. Personally, what is life without laughter.

My father I have to thank for this. He is the most wittiest person you would have ever met and believe me this is not son-allistic pride that is talking. Oh no. I am dead serious. And you still would not believe me. See, my dad on the outside, atleast to my friends, is a person who looks very serious, doesn't talk much. But don't let that fool you one bit. I mean, you only have to live with the man for 19 years like I have to know that is a complete farce to what he actually is. I have cousins who can attest to that. Not to mention my sister.

My father introduced me to British comedy. He watched with me Blackadder, Only Fools and Horses, Peter Seller's Pink Panther and The Party. Through that, I watched programs like, Monty Python, Not The Nine O Clock News, Goodness Gracious Me,My Family, My Hero and my personal favorite, Top Gear. It was a opening of a whole new door of humor to me, to put it simply, and I came to realize, that British humor was way better than American slapstick. Which I think is funny, but get's very boring.

I love the way the British are able to make fun at everyone. Case point here would be Mr. Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear presenter and motoring journalist. The man has made fun at everyone from the Prime Minister of Britain to lorry driver's, not to mention offending the Malaysian Parliament. As to that, now the series is no longer aired in Malaysia because we cant take a bloody joke.  But the thing is, he is not in the least bothered. I put this up as a Facebook status today, where Jeremy was being interviewed by the 60 mins show, and he goes something along the lines of  "If we were trying to please everybody, we would end up with something bland and boring." So they all (Hammond, May included) go along and do what they want, and if they insult anybody, they don't really care much. The point I'm trying to make here is that to have a proper sense of humor, you must learn to accept and give humor as they come. Letting small things like statements injure your pride is never going to make you a better person.

That being said, I admit that there is a limit to everything. Like the destruction of the Perodua Kelisa was a bit far fetched. Although it was really funny. I still chuckle at the thought of Clarkson taking a sledge hammer and smashing the Kelisa to bits. Ahheeehheeeheee....

So what am I trying to say here? British comedy is best? Learn to take insults? Well. Yes. To both. In my honest opinion, Brits have a better way of making you laugh. Insults are easy to digest once you get used to them, and most likely, you will laugh along with them.

A P/S seems to be in order. P.S: This is sort of incomplete. Sorry bout that. But I am sitting on a floor and right now I cant feel both my buttocks. Cheerio.

Thursday 21 June 2012


Splinter Cell Blacklist - World Premiere Trailer [UK]

Assassin's Creed 3 - E3 Official Trailer [UK]

It's over people! I am officially done with my A-Levels program. I am one step towards the lawyerdom. Obviously, according to spell check that isn't a real word. Like, contrafibularity, or speel, whatever they are. Anyhow, back to the story, which as I sit here typing random words on my keyboard, I am trying my level best to formulate. Doesn't seem to be working very well.

Ah... I  have it. A small piece devoted to the the people I met while in college. Among other things, I really must commend them for the changes that it has introduced me to. Like for instance, how to cross a street when traffic is heavy, and buses are driving at high speeds. How to get in and out of a LRT while it is compacted with people. How to endure an hour and half bus journeys between states in Malaysia, sometimes three. But most of all, it has thought me that people that we thought were idiots when we were in school are nothing compared to the nutcases that life is yet to throw on us. However good your reflexes are, ladies and gentlemen, you will still be drenched by the gunk that is the stupidity, or the, annoying habits, or the way the mind of other people operate.

It teaches you to cope with the world. It shows you that people are different. Some are optimists, some are pessimistic and others are realists. I like to think that I fall into the third category, edging on the first. Some have open minds, some have minds so open that I swear that they have misplaced their brains altogether and then the close minded ones and the ones with minds so close that they must have no place at all for brains.

So, people come in all shapes and sizes, tall, short, fat, thin, good looking, not good looking. But this is all immaterial, as I like to say. It all matters when it comes down to brain capacity usage. Seriously used, used, used but not enough, and not there at all. A person is only as good as he can think. For thinking... Thinking is everything.