Thursday 16 August 2012

Of beards and BMI

It's been sometime now. I mean for a lot of things. The end of A-Levels. The results have been announced. I have a beard. I'm now 19 officially. I'm bored (nothing new there). I finished playing Splinter Cell Conviction, progress there.It's the other end of August and it couldn't get any better. Well, I suppose it could. Which brings me to a point,  the phrase 'this couldn't get any better' is sort of redundant when something better really does happen and in comparison to the earlier event, this is much better. So never use the phrase if you are a realist and/or and optimist. If you are neither, you wouldn't be using the phrase at all, so you don't apply.

I have established a few things over the couple of months of contemplative thinking and soul searching. I'll put it up in bullet points and make it easier for you reading this.

  1. I've lost some weight.
  2. I am not too fond of beards.
I dare not venture too far on the first point. I'm still working on it. It's quite a weighty matter. Pun not intended.

The second point is rather sad. I've always been a great admirer of beards and all that is facial hair, on men of course. If a woman were to have a beard it would be utterly tragic, for God intended people to be unique and men got to facial hair first, I suppose. It is an itch in the face, beards are. Literally. You know what, I may have just coined a new phrase. 'An itch in the face.' "Ah, Joseph, you seem to have cut your arm off!!" "Truly, Jebbediah, but I'll wager that it is no more than an itch in the face". Quite good that.

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